Home Sports FIFA Ethics Code of 2018 regarding Conflicts of Interest in NFF

FIFA Ethics Code of 2018 regarding Conflicts of Interest in NFF

In view of recent crisis rocking Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) over conflicts of interest in the administration of the game, totorinews.com hereby publish below FIFA Ethics code of 2018 regarding conflicts of Interest, Offering, Gifts,  other Benefits and Commission, under article  19, 20 and 21.

19.  Conflicts of interest


Persons bound by this Code shall not perform their duties (in particular, preparing or participating in the taking of a decision) in situations in which an existing or potential conflict of interest might affect such performance.

A conflict of interest arises if a person bound by this Code has, or appears to have, secondary interests that could influence his ability to perform his duties with integrity in an independent and purposeful manner. Secondary interests include, but are not limited to, gaining any possible advantage for the persons bound by this Code themselves or related parties as defined in this Code.


Before being elected, appointed or employed, persons bound by this Code shall disclose any relations and interests that could lead to situations of conflicts of interest in the context of their prospective activities.


Persons bound by this Code shall not perform their duties (in particular preparing, or participating in, the taking of a decision) in situations in which there is a danger that a conflict of interest might affect such performance. Any such conflict shall be immediately disclosed and notified to the organisation for which the person bound by this Code performs his duties.


Violation of this article shall be sanctioned with an appropriate fine of at least CHF 10,000 as well as a ban on taking part in any football-related activity for a maximum of two years. In serious cases and/or in the case of repetition, a ban on taking part in any football-related activity may be pronounced for a maximum of five years .

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Gianni Infatino, FIFA President and Amaju Pinnick, NFF President

20.   Offering and accepting gifts or other benefits


Persons bound by this Code may only offer or accept gifts or other benefits to and from persons within or outside FIFA, or in conjunction with intermediaries or related parties as defined in this Code, where such gifts or benefits :

(a) have symbolic or trivial value;

(b) are not offered or accepted as a way of influencing persons bound by this Code to execute or omit an act that is related to their official activities or falls within their discretion;

(c) are not offered or accepted in contravention of the duties of persons bound by this Code;

(d) do not create any undue pecuniary or other advantage; and

(e) do not create a conflict of interest.

Any gifts or other benefits not meeting all of these criteria are prohibited.


If in doubt, gifts or other benefits shall not be accepted, given, offered, promised, received, requested or solicited. In all cases, persons bound by this Code shall not accept, give, offer, promise, receive, request or solicit from anyone within or outside FIFA, or in conjunction with intermediaries or related parties as defined in this Code, cash in any amount or form. If declining the gift or benefit would offend the giver on the grounds of cultural norms, persons bound by this Code may accept the gift or benefit on behalf of their respective organisation and shall report it and hand it over, where applicable, immediately thereafter to the competent body.

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Violation of this article shall be sanctioned with an appropriate fine of at least CHF 10,000 as well as a ban on taking part in any football-related activity for a maximum of two years. Any amount unduly received shall be included in the calculation of the fine. In addition to the fine, the gift or benefit unduly received should be returned, if applicable. In serious cases and/or in the case
of repetition, a ban on taking part in any football-related activity may be pronounced for a maximum of five years.

21.  Commission


Unless covered by a genuine commercial agreement, persons bound by this Code shall not accept, give, offer, promise, receive, request or solicit commission for themselves or third parties for negotiating deals or conducting other business in connection with their duties.


Violation of this article shall be sanctioned with an appropriate fine of at least CHF 10,000 as well as a ban on taking part in any football-related activity for a maximum of two years. Any amount unduly received shall be included in the calculation of the fine. In serious cases and/or in the case of repetition, a ban on taking part in any football-related activity may be pronounced for a maximum of five years.

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